DTE 313303 Microprojects Topics MSBTE

Welcome to our site in this blog post, we want to share a Digital Techniques DTE 313303 Microprojects Topics. MSBTE always added some new project topics and new course outcomes after releasing the new scheme.

Digital Techniques DTE 313303 Microprojects Topics

Digital Techniques DTE 313303 has a big list of micro projects topics and we listed all topics below.

DTE 313303 Microprojects Topics

  • Build a Digital IC tester circuit.
  • Build a 4-bit parity generator and parity checker circuit.
  • Build a circuit to implement a 4-bit adder.
  • Build a circuit to test 7 segment display.
  • Build a circuit to implement a debounce switch.
  • Build a circuit for the LED flasher.
  • Build a circuit for LED BAR display
  • Design and analyze digital arithmetic circuits.
  • Implement 1:8 DEMUX using 1:4 /1:2 DE-MUX.
  • Build a circuit to implement a 4-bit adder.
  • Build a 4-bit parity generator and parity tester.
  • Implement 16:1 MUX using 8:1/4:1 MUX.
  • Build a circuit to test the 7-bit segment display.
  • Build an LED display bar.
  • Develop a project on Burglar alarms.
  • Light Detector circuit using NAND gate.

The faculty must allocate a judicial mix of tasks, considering the weaknesses and strengths of the student in acquiring the desired skills.

MSBTE K Scheme SyllabusMSBTE K Scheme Syllabus

How do you select the best project topic for MSBTE micro projects?

The best way to select the best microproject topic for any micro project is to search which topic information is easily available in books & internet. If a teacher allows students to select their microproject topic, then it is the best chance for them to choose easy microproject topics.


In this blog post, we listed all microproject topics for DTE 313303.

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